VIA University Design and Business is one of Denmark’s leading design schools.
VIA University X SPOOR
We have a broad collaboration dialogue with VIA University, and during two weeks in February 2021, we collaborated on a two weeks project on SPOOR traceability with the Business & Entrepreneurship line.
”At VIA Design & Business we have the aim to educate students who can create value in the fashion- and lifestyle industry. We do that with our tight relations with the industry and by thinking education and practice together through close collaborations with companies.
We are therefore happy that we have established a strong collaboration with SPOOR. This collaboration gives our students a unique opportunity to combine sustainability, digital technologies and business understanding in how to solve relevant problems and challenges. Finally, it brings industry insights from experienced co-workers having the latest industry knowledge“says Klaus Greve, Assistant Professor.
At SPOOR we believe in co-creations with students. It brings us relevant insight of industry focus and indicates where future focuses, and trends are being put in the fashion and lifestyle industry. We contribute with relevant findings from our industry.