Fredericia is widely recognized for its timeless, modern design aesthetics as well as its strong focus on the use of high quality and long-lasting materials.
- Respect for nature and its materials has always been central to our business. This means that it is also important to us to know the origin of the materials we use in our production. When we were contacted by SPOOR and heard about their technology which ensures leather with full traceability, we therefore felt that it matched our approach to responsible material use, says Rasmus Graversen, Head of Design at Fredericia.
Fredericia now goes even further in strengthening its responsible use of materials. In a co-lab with SPOOR, Fredericia offers customers the opportunity to choose among a collection of fully traceable SPOOR leathers when they purchase a Fredericia design. By choosing leather from the SPOOR collection, customers can be sure that the leather used in their piece of furniture from Fredericia can be traced back to the Northern European cattle whose hide was used to create it.